Make a difference in your community.

Conservation Montgomery is looking for volunteers for the following opportunities with our nonprofit.
Please email us at if you are interested in working with us.
Assistant Treasurer
We are looking for an Assistant Treasurer to work with Treasurer Helen Wood. Helen will mentor a volunteer and involve an AT in our accounting procedures. Our books are in excellent shape, thanks to Helen. We have a relatively small treasury and only a few times a year when there are a lot of transactions. Helen is great fun to work with. If you or someone you know can work with Excel spreadsheets, please let them know about this opportunity.
Grant Writers
We need a few grant writers to help us apply for funding opportunities. Most of the materials needed to fill out grant applications are already in our files. Writing grant proposals is fun, especially when the organization is awarded a grant at the end of the process. Do you or a friend have grant proposal-writing experience? If not, and you are interested, we can train volunteers.
Fundraising Mailing Support
Conservation Montgomery sends out only one fundraising letter via regular mail, usually in November. We need a volunteer who can
Mail-merge our fundraising letter into a file,
Mail merge the mailing labels for envelopes, and
Organize a small envelope-stuffing party for final preparation of the letter.
This is a small mailing and three or four volunteers can typically stuff all the envelopes in less than 2 hours. Board members volunteer to help stuff envelopes. We supply the postage, snacks for envelope-stuffing, and the mailing list. You supply the mail-merge. It's a win-win!
Show our elected officials you care!
Part of the beauty of living in Montgomery County is that it’s a county where residents are vocal and informed. It's easy to participate in democracy at the local level of government.
Pay attention to news and upcoming hearings on legislation that will have an impact on our quality of life and environment. Find the Council agendas here and Planning Board information here.
Remember the Planning Board is the first point of entry for development site plans and environmental land use planning. Be aware of what is on the Planning Board agendas. Sign up to testify here.
Know who your County Council Members are and testify at hearings or write letters on environmental issues. To send a note that will reach the entire Council, write to